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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Picnic Brunch

It's holiday time! Uni holidays that is. What better way to celebrate than a picnic brunch on the river at Matchstick Park. It's not really called Matchstick Park, but it is surrounded by thin spindly Poplar trees and I named it Matchstick Park as a kid.

Courtney is going overseas for her brother's wedding so we met up extra early in the morning armed with blankets, cameras, a little camp stove and fake bacon. Mmmm :)

Exciting news for all you Vegos out there who crave marshmallows like I do - Mum found gelatin free marshmallow fluff stuff at The Reject Shop! It's not Vegan, because it still has egg whites, but it is gelatin free and full of gums and fake flavours haha. It's so yummy! And it comes in regular flavour and smokey campfire flavour! I have stocked up on it, I am now the proud owner of 5 tubs of each - well, 4 and a half :)

[I'm Vegetarian +, but not Vegan because I believe in self sufficiency and ethical practices. I don't drink milk. I only eat the eggs from my chickens at home (bar in a few products every now and then like this) that have a brilliant life and have been saved and taught to live free range and organically in our big backyard. I am also a big pro bee supporter, namely local farmers, and urge people to find out more about the horrible disease and plague that is culling bees worldwide. Save the bees!!!]

It was such a beautiful day. I'm trying to save some of these photos to post tomorrow, but it's hard!

Ok! More photos tomorrow. Just two more!

Go out and have a picnic! Enjoy Winter!



  1. Looks like such a pretty area for a picnic! ahh I need more picnic days in my life! love your photos (always) xx
