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Monday, June 18, 2012

Adventure Time

On Friday, my friend Aimee Catt [she has a new blog! Click her name for the link] and I went for a photo adventure!

We spent most of the morning trying to figure out where the heck to go, taking some shots of old buildings along the way [see tomorrow's post]. After much ambling about and feeling disapointed in our lack of direction, and with cups of coffee in our bellies, we realised that we didn't finish the first photo adventure we had weeks ago! The waterfalls we had tried to find had taken us till the sun went down, and even then when we found them we didn't have a chance to go and look at them.

So, we jumped in my little blue car and sped off with the back seat lined with cameras towards Slaughter Falls!

Now, I love mushrooms. No - I LOVE Mushrooms. I carry an identification book around with me. Yep. So you can imagine how excited I was when we stumbled across the best patch of mushrooms on our way to the falls! I was really surprised because I thought it would have already been too cold for mushrooms, but I guess I'm used to a much colder climate like Dorrigo and Bellingen where as Brisbane is 4 hours closer to the equator lol.

We spent a good hour on our bellies, on our sides, crouching, in the mud, swapping lenses, swapping cameras, pretty much doing anything and everything to take shots of these guys. I had my new lens to play with, so I hope you like the results! Film shots to come when I finish the roll :)


I followed a slight trail in the side of the dry riverbank and stumbled upon a whole other lot hiding in rocks and empty pools !


There was this weird tunnel / pipe on the way, it was very dark and very eerie. There were child sized hand prints on the side, which Aimee pointed out as a creepy looking old dude was walking slowly past us lol.

After all of that, we finally ended up at the falls - which were closed for safety reasons - but of course we went anyway. Luckily we had so much fun with the mushrooms though because the falls were non existent lol. We thought there would have been enough rain lately for them to be active but no luck. Oh well!

PS, this is [what I think] is my best shot of the day, and I blasted well took it on my mobile phone. That'd be right lol. Good thing I just bought that expensive lens for my dslr haha.



  1. Love love LOVE this post! Your photography makes me smile so much! I was wondering if there was a chance you could take a look at my shop and give me some ideas for some better photos? I just don't know how to make the photos look better! If you don't have time then no sweat, just would love to hear what you think as really admire your work.

    1. Yeah for sure! I am writing it on my calendar now so that tomorrow when I wake up all dazed after working late I'll remember haha :)
