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Saturday, October 23, 2010

A bit about me

Here are some photos to show you a little more about me :)

Aggie posing in some mulch, cool shoes while playing with Bubbles.

Christie in my faux furry hat, and a shot of my usual haulage.

A shot of my Terrarium, me in one of my usual awkward photographer poses, Christie climbing high into the sky, and Buttercup the Guinea Pig saying Hey.

I prefer film so much that i've totally gotten out of the habbit of taking digital photos. I came accross these and realised I should really take more, at least to put up here.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

More mail. More spent money.

Woo more parcels!

Thank you FourCornerStore !

Apart from some nifty new film, I also bought a camera that shoots four photos on the one frame, but all a split second after one another ! Make sense? I'll post some pics when I finish the roll.

Got a Holga Flash super cheap (about $40 cheaper to be exact) that's also a slave, fantastic ! And you can just see the top of a cool bottle top tripod. Shall be living in my handbag !

And, some Rollei 127 film to try out my Starmeter ! Can't wait to see how it goes !!

Remember you can click on any of these photos to see them bigger.


Monday, October 18, 2010


Yes, that's right.

Just when I thought I loved Pentax enough.

I found ...


Okay, so it's a lens changable, 110 using, proper slr - but it fits in your hand. LOVE.

Yep, that's me to give you an idea of size. My huge gaping tshirt has been kindly covered up by some fluro heads of my cat Christie. Thanks Christie :)

Stay posted for the resulting images !


Friday, October 15, 2010

Leader of the pack

And here is my love, ah Pentax, I do have a very big spot in my heart for you.

Hahaha like my awesome way of telling myself if I have film in it or not? That's if I remember lmao.

So the story about this is pretty cool. Here I am at the Tip Shop, looking around, find the camera section, and see this. $16.50. Gee, I think. Bit steep (what was I thinking?! lol, but, in saying that, if it was totally stuffed it wouldn't be worth it). So I look all over it, look at the lens, pull it off, check everything's running smoothly, but go to open the back and can't seem to figure out how to do it. It was the first film SLR i'd ever touched, and I even pulled the right thing to open it, just not hard enough.

So i'm about to leave it, when a lady walks past and looks at it over my shoulder, before telling me that the guy over there used to have one of those for years when they first came out, so go ask him ! I was like what the heck are the chances?! So he pulled it apart and told me what a score it was, and i've never looked back.

WOOHOO. Man I love it.

A lot of the shots on here are taken with it, some on out of date slide film, others without. It just takes an awesome photo every time.

I feel a Pentax tattoo coming on.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Meet the Family - 2

More !

Damn it will only let me do them small if I want them side by side. Ah well.

First is a Minolta I picked up that actually has a clearer lens than the Pentax, so it was a gret find.

Second is a funny as anything camera - I assume it's TIME from TIME MAGAZINE - how funny? It's got a case and everything. Looks like it's never been used.

Here's something nice and Plastic. Tis a Holga Fisheye, pretty much brought out to sell in places like Surf Shops and random places like that as a gimicky thing. Great thing to just shove in my bag for parties and stuff, the coloured flash filters can be fun too. Detachable lens means I can put it on my 8mp Camera Phone, which is a great way to keep it interesting.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Meet the Family - 1

Thought I best start showing you some of my Camera Family. It's getting bigger and bigger preeeeetty much everyday lol, but I try to use every camera I have, so it's not like they just sit there.

Okay first two - and in no particular order I assure you.

My Plastic Fantastic Diana F+, sporting the blinding flash that I so lovingly use to, well, blind people when I take a photo. In the background is the Instant Back for it, a purchase that truly paid for itself on a trip to Melbourne.

Second lot there is of some Polaroids in my collection, I have about - ah 6? One is in the original leather box which is pretty cool, and if memory serves I got it and one other for free from an Op Shop that appreciated my love of them. Hazzah !

Okay Next two.

In the first pic you can see a fabulous little 110 Hanimex, that actually has two lenses ! You can swap between your standard, or about a 2x zoom or magnification or whatever you want to call it. In the background is a zoom lense for my beloved Pentax :)

Now this was an awesome score - a Kodak Starmeter. All clean, light meter a bit dodgy which is a shame, but certainly doesn't affect anything.

Alrighty, that's enough for now, the rest is still to come !

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Went to a birthday party, themed Horror. Reminded me how close halloween is. Not that I 'celebrate' it as such. As in Australia. It's just not our thing. But parties around this time can be fun. Especialy the costumes.

 Scariest clown ever. You should have seen him dance, let alone *try* to be scary.

 Day of the dead <3

Sparklers. More incentive to take some light graffiti photos. And dig out the ones I took the other day.
