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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pika Pika

I'm still super happy I bought my DSi. So far I have two games for it. The first game I got was Zelda: Spirit Tracks which is super rad and I'm a fair way through. The second - well, actaully I bought a Sonic Dark Brotherhood one which I  played for 10minutes and realised it was sh*t so traded it back in - for Pokemon HeartGold ! I've only chosen  my Pokemon as yet, so no feedback as such. I knew I wanted a Pokemon game to waste time on, but the new characters freaked me out a little. What happened when things were simple with Ash, Brock and Misty ?!

I should go in to more detail, and was planning to, but i'm late for work.


I mean Stranger.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I need a Pikachu suit.

Twas the Cosplay / Cartoon / Game Character Party.

Didn't take many photos at all. There was lots of costumes though, including two pacmans, someone from Naruto, Sailor Venus, and more that i'm trying to recall lol.

Princess Peach, Mario and Pikachuuuu !

Me as Sakura - including weilding Clow Cards from my backpack.

Daria sporting an Adventure Time hat.

'Peach and 'Pika

Most comfiest looking suit. EVER.

Adventure Time cake that Jess made :)

Me hogging the camera

That's better. Georgina and I [aka Daria and Sakura, although I was changed at this stage because my costume reminded me too much of my old school uniform] after perusing her record collection. I should do a post about mine.

Their microwave. That's pretty much the story.

Posing Daria.

So I slept in the back of the Yaris - was actually heaps of room and enjoyed it.


Friday, April 15, 2011

3d Cam

So i'm currently having my first try at a 3D camera ! I've seen great results with the method i've used, and figured i'd give it a try !

All you need is two disposable cameras and some tape ! Imanaged to grab mine for $5 each.

When i got them out of the box I realised they probably weren't the best ones to use, as they were shaped and that made it harder to align them properly.

Probably also shouldn't have gotten ones with flash. But hey i was just keen to experiment.

So I flipped them over and alligned the lenses. The reason for flipping is the get them as close as possible. You really want the lenses only as far apart as your eyes.

Again, another reason these weren't the best cameras. Too flashy looking, too many things i couldn't really tape over but had to anyway, and with the curved plastic it pushed the lenses [possibly] to far apart.

To see where I should be amaing for the shots, I marked a dot on my curtains that were next to me and held the camera very still to look through each viewfinder and see where the spot was. As it was only a little to the inside of each one, i figured that the lenses were close enough.

I took the new makeshift 3D camera with me to the shoot with Jess [film still in cameras, and scanner still angry with me, but i'll post them sooon !]. I'm going to take it to the party this weekend too, and then maybe use the rest even down the street or something? Something that'd look good 3D :)

Oh yeah, so either right now you've figured out how I'm going to make the images 3D, or you've just gotten to my blog and you're waiting for me to tell you - so I will ! The power of GIFs my friend !

Remember my post here about it?


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Train tracks.

Today I had another shoot with the fabulous Jess, and this time with Miss Candice too. We hit three different locations - train tracks by an old warehouse, an old dilapidated house, and then the graffiti clad walkway under a bridge. I packed the back of the car full of cameras, filters and film. I tried to take at least one shot with every camera I took, so that means that I've only actually finished one roll of film, and the rest are on cameras waiting to be developed. But i'll chew through those films soon and then can have a look at the results from today :)

I went to scan in the shots that were developed today, but my scanner decided to hate me. Awesome. So here are some shitty shots taken in a dark room with the default flash. But I wanted to post them anyway :)

Polaroid Shots from each location - these are really fantastic, and when I scan them in and post them again you will see what I mean.

Train tracks.

Train tracks.

Fingers crossed my scanner decides to work tomorrow or it will meet my friend mr fist.


Saturday, April 9, 2011


So I just saw Suckerpunch.

As in it ended 40 minutes ago.

I drove home, then showered, then opened my laptop.

So I just saw Suckerpunch.

WARNING: I'm going to be as general as possible, and will watch the trailer once i'm done to check i'm not giving anything away that the trailer hasn't already, but I really hate spoilers or even extended trailers or anything that will tell me something or give me ideas that I will take in when I go to see a movie. If this sounds like you too, maybe play it safe and read this once you've seen it.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Change in the weather, change in hair.

I got my hair done the other day, a colour and a quick trim. But with so many fabulous colours out there, and the way that my hair decimates colour in no time at all, I think it's time for a colour change. I've been looking on Tumblr and found some fantastic colours :)

LOVE this colour.

Been thinking of going closer to caramel or ginger than a brighter red for a while now.

I've done a colour like this before. I seem to remember it happening accidentaly haha :)

I need mousse. I usually go for the straight thing with a box fringe, but there is  just something awesome about body like this.


Love this so much. Maybe I should bleach and add a few patches of colour.

Hmm, any opinions?


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dark and Dreary

It's getting colder.

I love the cold.

I find the wet and the miserable so inspiring.

Some shots from driving home from work the other day.

New Boots.

Stay Strange.


I've been so busy with work lately, it's great, but I have unfortunately neglected this. That is stopping now :)

I thought I might do a day of following me around and seeing what I do, since even when I explain it either i forget to mention things, or people don't fully understand.

I'm also starting back up with a VAPD [visual arts process diary] so i can start keeping track of ideas to photograph the lovely Jess. We tried to have a shoot several times this week, but i kept having to cancel with work and now she is sick. Get well soon x.

Next time we are going to the rail road.

Stay tuned.
