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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A study of light and shade - Pt III

What do you get when you cross a basement, cross processed slide film, an old flash and a Stranger?

I wish I shot more with film. It would have taught me a lot more. I am pretty happy with my DSLR results though [Pt I here and Pt II here] but really want to play more to completely understand the way film will behave in certain situations. The cross process definitely warped a lot of things with these images too, which is great but also pretty darn hard to guess or expect. But hey that's what I love the most about film :)

I probably like this shot the best. I love the shade and colour splash and impending darkness being smothered by the light that has jumped in to the camera. But hey that's just what I see ;)

I can't wait to play around again with people. Hopefully I'll have time soon for a new adventure. Uni starts next week and we are busy looking and applying for a new place to live, as well as a new job opportunity that has come up that for me. So many things on.

Have you had time for an adventure lately?


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Beach Adventure

Last week my flatmate Lachlan and I went on a day trip to find some beach near Brisbane. We visited Sandgate and then ended up in Redcliffe for hot chips and some beach combing.

It was a cold and rainy day, which was great. I love the beach at night, when it is / has stormed, or when it's dreary. Yep, i'm a weirdo.

I had a roll of Kodak Elitechrome in the camera, which I was really excited about, but i'm not too happy with the results. These shots I enjoy, but the others are almost too harsh and blown out - you'll see what I mean when I post the shots from the Finders Keepers.

Know of any good beaches around Brisbane?


Sunday, July 15, 2012


So I intended to do a mash up fashion thing for this post, but all of the clothes in the online stores I always follow are horrible. Lol. So instead I'm going to post some Tumblr goodness of rad shiz I have found and loved, fashion wise.



All of these shots can be found on my other Tumblr page, Stranger and Fashion. Saves time linking to my page than linking to them all.

It's a weird mix of cold and hot this winter, I guess it's because I'm now 4ish hours closer to the equator as well as that Australia is made up of like 23432532 different climates lol. I am trying to be big on beanies this winter, as well as comfy slacking tops and jackets mixed with tighter pants. And boots. I'm big on the boots.

Meanwhile, I am currently rocking out to the new-ish song 'Body Work' ft Tegan and Sara. I need to keep my ipod plugged in more to listen to more tunes. I have enough speakers that's for sure lol.

How is winter treating you?


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Facespace and Tumblrest

Stranger and Fiction comes in a variety of flavours, including...

Tumblr and Facebook! Check out SAF on Facebook here and SAF on Tumblr here.

And now for some sneak previews to entice you to click those links!

Where can I find you?


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Finders Keepers 2012

Yesterday I headed to the 2012 Brisbane Finders Keepers Markets.

I had a fresh bagel with cream cheese - it was super delicious, but I felt very full and am sure I looked pregnant after eating it. Major stomach bloating lol.

The Old Museum is a great building, very cool.

Frankie Magazine always has a stall, last year - no wait, two years ago - I bought some cool old pillow cases from them. This year they had vintage dresses and a fairy floss maker.

It was very fun, but not as big as what I remember. There was a lot of different stalls than last time I went; there was lots more clothing and a lot less jewellery and artists. I think I'd like to check out the Sydney one or even the Melbourne one next time they're on.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

A study of light and shade - Pt II

As promised, Pt II of my latest photo endevour.

I worked with two friends on the night of the shoot. I look forward to working with them more, especially as I get more knowledgeable to the ways their bodies tone and flex and hold shape.

I really want to play more with lines and colour and makeup on the face, both to maximise and minimise features.

How fabulous is the colour in that image? I love it.


Friday, July 6, 2012

A study of light and shade - Pt 1

Last night I packed up some cameras, some film, some flowers, some incense, some lights, a projector screen and some imagination.

I picked up my friend and headed over to another friend's house. I had planned for us to go out to the forest, but we used under the house instead. It is getting very cold at night, so it was probably for the best. When we do head out to the forest, I will think less about body shadows and more about heavy clothing.

I played with some spot lighting and with the use of a very subdued flash, but the best light ended up coming from the old strip fluro on the roof. The colours and shapes it threw off were brilliant.

I intended to play with smoke for this shoot, however my smoke bombs are still in preparation. We did manage to achieve a nice layer of smoke over a few of the images. This post is just a selection of the shots from last night.

Ok, I'm using a lot of self restraint by only posting half of the images I was going to share with you. The next half will be posted tomorrow.

I hope you enjoy these shots. It was a major learning experience, and made me realise how badly I want my own studio set up.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Warped view of the world of late.

Hellooo. I've been busy with work and haven't felt like sitting down and editing shots to post. What I *did* feel like this morning was mucking around.

How's your week been?


Sunday, July 1, 2012

City Streets - B+W

Well, the rain has stopped and the blue skies are out. Perfect street photography weather. On Sunday, David from The Brisbane Catalogue messaged me and said that he and a few friends were going to head out and wander the streets. Cameras included of course. It was such a great walk around, I saw parts of the city that I've never ventured to before, even though they were only a block or so away from the main streets.

It also gave me a chance to start playing with digital B+W, which I've been wanting to do for ages. Here are some of my results from our roam, all in B+W. I am really happy with the results.

I think the last shot is my favourite from the day. I will post it in colour tomorrow, I think I like it better in colour.

I had a heap of fun and can't wait to go out again. I took four cameras with me, but only ended up using two of them. Next time I will pack lighter, that way I will force myself to use the two I take with me. I wish I shot more with my film SLR, although not less with my DSLR. I just know that I missed shots like this on the SLR by taking them with my digital. I had my Pentax ME loaded with faux B+W [it is developed with C41 processing, so a colour process] and would have liked to have seen what some of these turned out like with the film.

Oh well, next time.
