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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cosplay Partay

So there's another themed party coming up, and this time it's a game character, so like video games, or anime character.


First I was trying to think of something that no one else would have already decided to dress up as. I thought about dressing up as a Shingami, or more specifically probably Ryuk from Death Note. I never 'dress up' in dresses though, or be really femanine characters [I prefer ones with guts rather than the ones waiting to be rescued] so I thought this time maybe I should.

So, I thought some more, and then realise I had the most perfect idea ever -

Sakura from Cardcaptors !

I used to love Sakura, I even got my hair cut exactly like hers once lol. So, the outfit that would look the most awesome is the battle outfit below. I've found them on ebay, but the party is in 2 weeks and the costumes say they are custom made and take 3 weeks to finish, let alone send.


So now i'm wondering do I dress up as her in school girls uniform, *or* do I attempt to make the costume myself. I'm kind of in two minds about it. This is her schoolgirl outfit anyway, and i'd wear rollerblades too of course lol.

So, still in the deciding process.

So if you've seen Cardcaptors, you'd know the awesome little guy called KERO ! I found this video years ago and then lost the link, but searched the other day and found it again ! Check it out, seriously awesome clip hahah :)

[all images from random places, found by typing Cardcaptors and / or Sakura in to google]


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

DSi !

Sooo... I bought myself a Nintendo DSi ! I know, super nerdy and seemilngly pointless, but i really wanted something to play whilst waiting at places, traveling, in bed at night, that sort of thing.

I already have a Gameboy, which I love, but it's the original so it doesn't have a backlight, which makes it difficult to play in some situations, like bed lol.

So, i'm trying to draw more as well, I like the rough cartoony style of things, so I may draw some more things [such as animated food, a personal favourite of mine] on here.

So, without further ado, my new DSi !

Should probably note i'm sitting on the lounge with my wrist all bent on the mouse beside me lol

First game I got was Zelda, they only had Spirit Tracks, but the awesome people at Game [where I got this from] not only sold me the second hand console [looks brand new] for cheap, they also sold me Zelda for $20 off - how awesome is that?!


Monday, March 28, 2011

Zombies Unite !

So this Saturday was the 2nd Annual Zombie Pub crawl in our little town. It's not like the Santa pub crawl, where hundreds of people come out clad in whatever small amount of tinsel and naughty elf costumes they can find. The Zombie pub crawl is smaller, a lot smaller, and the one rule is you've got to be 100% a zombie. I did it last year and turned up in a black lace dress with a white pale face and some black and red lips - boy was I wrong. These guys spend hundreds of dollars getting exactly the costume that they want, bottles of stage quality fake blood and proper liquid latex to either apply straight on the body and then paint and fake blood and crayon over, or you be really clever and make things first, like Jess' this year with her shin bone snapped in half and sticking out the front.

WARNING: If you have a funny tummy, proceed to these pictures with caution.

First and second pub, super hard to get everyone in the one shot as we met people along the way, and there was a fair few of us. Note - Zombie bride, zombie housewife, zombie nurse, and lots of blood.

On the move. While we walked we all sort of spread out which was great, because if you were driving past you'd be like 'How many ARE there?!'. A few did enjoy running and jumping around at cars and in the general area of people lol.

Also, Cameron and Lewis - Cameron was in a white bio hazard suit and broken gas mask with a popped eye socket and stomach coming out, and Lewis was some guy in a suit and hat with blood and icky stuff everywhere lol.

Neil always looks the part a little *too* well. He was the scary clown I posted pictures of back from Halloween too. You can see the amount of work and effort in the makeup and latex and stuff. Neil was the best zombie runner as well. He knew how to do the one arm up and bent and sideways run lol. I put it down to video games.

Fourth Pub on the river. Me [Keith Richards - i figured he was the living dead], Jess [Housewife with bruised face, blooded rolling pin, broken shin and exploded boob, all in a satin nightie lol] and Georgina [Pirate lass with much fake blood].

The lovely Miss Jess again, and scary nurse chick and I. I have a shot that shows how insanely scary her eyes were, but didn't want to freak you out that much lol.

Awesome shot of Georgina - thank you mobile camera phone for all of these shots too btw. I haven't edited these either, my phone has a decent menu to change iso and heaps of other shiz mid shooting and it comes up with some awesome effects.

End of the night, a lot un zombiefied, I still was [and still am getting fake blood off my arms] but it had rubbed off my face a bit, hence the sullen eyes haha. We decided it would be a good idea to play with helium balloons. It was 80's night at the pub too, so a few of the zombie crew bought parachute jackets and high tops, I figured Keith Richards spanned a few generations lol. Oh, I also played in the ball pit, but those photos are too incriminating haha.

Hope I didn't gross you out too bad, but everyone's costumes were so awesome, and there was heaps more I didn't post, Like the most hectic zombie Grandma you've ever seen, so awesome hahaha.

Stay scary.


Friday, March 25, 2011

About time I showed you the camera pictures I owed from weeks ago !

The new Yashica !

Yashica numero duo, complete with lens+flash cap and case.

Some film I scored from friend.

Film and a flash I'm keen to try out :)

AND she gave me a camera ! Photos of that to come.

I've got some more new cameras to share, but one of them had a roll of film left in it ! I'll scan in the shots and and the camera tomorrow :)


Shroom fest

My garden is packed full of mushrooms ! There's soo many different types !

Our beautiful white mulberry that fell down in the last storm :(

Two new types around a big plank of wood stepping stone

 A type that showed up in a back veggie patch after rain

A single white mushroom that appears every now and then under our Chinese Elm tree

Some 'popped' or rain damaged mushies

A brand new type that I found two days ago ! They look a but scary now they have turned grey, but when they first emerged they were a peanut butter brown with white specks and looked oh so cool !


Mushies that grow in our front lawn, but after a big rain they had made 3 little fairy rings on the patch of grass across the road !

[excuse the mobile phone quality shots on the latest mushies !]

I need to find out what all of these types are, plus heaps more that come up in the front lawn that I *think* are fairy ring mushrooms. Remember to never eat or rub mushrooms on yourself even accidentally, even if they look safe or you identify them as safe, there are too many cross over factors and traits and appearance characteristics to really know that they're not poisonous or corrosive.

It's fun to look though !


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hello Bello

Some happy snaps of my Saturday in Bellingen, taken with my new Yashica point and shoot [I must remember to post photos !]

Rummaging around the Tip


Delicious haloumi pitta wrap

My usual wheatgrass shot, followed by a home made lemon and ginger cordial - the guy grows the organic ginger himself too !

Peaking at the vintage jewellery stall, then the noticeboard :)

Strolling through Vintage Nest - but they get me cross, because they've had cameras on display for aaaages and won't sell them to me ! So now they've missed out *crosses arms and raises chin in defiance*


Me looking really random trying to take a test self timer shot. I'm mid icypole eat, so my mouth is all pouty and my cheeks are full haha. I've taken the liberty of drawing in the icypole on the bigger shot, because it was clear and didn't show up in the shot lol. Best icypoles though - I love the Mojito one the best. They're made in Murwillumbah and are all organic ingredients - you can also grab them from my favourite bakery in Bangalow too, or I got this one from Kombu wholefoods up the top of the main street in Bello :)


Writing a letter to Courtney whilst sitting in the main street somewhere, and an old barn hut you pass driving in to Bello. I always wish there was somewhere to pull over near it to get the perfect shot, this one was mid driving *cough and shifty* so it was hard to get the arrangement right lol, altough I like how it turned out :)


More photos of bello soon, specifically of this AWESOME teepee / yurt / material hut that was there.

Did you go anywhere special for the weekend?


Monday, March 21, 2011

Sleep and such

Got a few sets of photos back I shall scan and scan in the morn, as well as some mobile phone shots from when the power was out ALLLLL DAYYYYY yesterday, plus some shots of my new cards !

See you tomorrow :)


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Autographs and Apologies

There isn't actually any apologies in this post.

But there is autographs, so i wasn't really fibbing.

Two Fuji Instax photos of Jess during our portrait session.

On that note, i've entered 3 of the shots in to Head On Portrait Prize. I don't hold out much hope, but the boss seems to think i'm at least in with a fighting chance, so who knows.

I'm up early to post this, drinking my first cup o' java now. Heading to Bellingen to the markets today :) Just mulling over which cameras to take with me. Ooh, and batteries - thanks for reminding me !

Have a fantastic Saturday !


Friday, March 18, 2011

From Op Shops with Love

I love Op Shops. They rock. Here's a few of my latest scores.

Kodak Vivitar camera - pretty basic camera, but it was with the little case filled with cleaning stuff it came with ! As well as the handbook and an awesome little book describing Kodak Films of the time - so awesome :)

Hanimex magazines for slides - the packaging is beautiful.

This ridiculously awesome picture for our picture wall in the loungeroom. The bottom reads:

"COCKINGTON - "One of the most enchanting and picturesque villages in Devon"

Love it !


$5 Hanimex tripod, perfect condition bar some dust, complete with the [i call it a jack] in the middle and everything. Such a pants-wettingly exciting find.

Also grabbed a fantastic deer statue and a carved polar bear statue today - I'll post photos later.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

X marks the Bookmarks

Say hello to my new... Bookmarks !

Well, it's just one atm, I wanted to see what they'd turn out like, and I am suitably impressed :)

They're plastic coated on one side and brushed metal on the other, and are about ... hmm.. well i'll measure it and get back to you lol. 5cm x 4cm ? I'll check later. Just the right size for a big or small book, and that can easily slip in to your wallet or pocket :)

I'll be listing this one in my etsy shop when I have a chance, but will get some more printed with some more of my photos on them !

Stay tuned for - Postcards and Greeting Cards !


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

on the stereo - Hottest 100 CD

Woo !

Finally picked up a copy of the Triple J Hottest 100 CD for 2010.

Thought i'd share a few stand out songs.

1. Children Collide - Jellylegs

2. Gypsy and The Cat - Jona Vark

3. Birds of Tokyo - Plans


Out of Practice

Man, I've got a load of new cameras to post, but i haven't had a Nikon home for a while so I haven't been able to take any decent photos ! Should't have stopped me posting *anything* though !

Forgive me, i've slapped my wrist and I swear I won't get so uninspired again.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

And here comes the rain

I'm tagging along to my first Wedding to shoot today. Well, by tagging along, I mean i'll have a camera and am being paid to take photos, but it's with my Boss so i'm hoping I can watch and learn from him for a bit and not have to talk to everyone lol. I get to use my beloved 50mm lens though so i'm happy :) It's on the beach an hour away, aaaand i'm looking outside at the grey sky and the few drops of rain coming down.

Fingers crossed I don't fall in to the cake or something like that.

Hope you're enjoying your Saturday.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Studio Results

I am so happy. Let me just say that Jess is amazing - thank you so much for letting me shoot you !

I'm away from the studio now so grabbed my first favourite six photos to share. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

I went straight away and got these six printed out 8" x 12" with a border and a matt finish - and they are stunning. These web-ified version of them I've posted are absolutely nothing on the real thing. These aren't edits either, they're taken straight off the camera :)

Thanks again to the fantastic model Jess!
