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Friday, June 29, 2012

Picnic Brunch #2

More photos!

I couldn't tell if I liked some of yesterday's photos better as a group or on their own, so I'm re posting them on their own haha. Courtney was sporting my new beanie and one of my cameras. What a hipster.

How rad is my new camera strap? It was in its original bag for $6 at an op shop. It is freaking brilliant.

We took an instax photo each. I love them both so much! We took a few mobile photos too, I'm please how they turned out. If there was less of these I'd post the mobile photos too. Maybe later :)

Have you done anything to explore winter? Or is it pouring down rain like it is here back in Brisvegas. Or maybe it's summer where you live?


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Picnic Brunch

It's holiday time! Uni holidays that is. What better way to celebrate than a picnic brunch on the river at Matchstick Park. It's not really called Matchstick Park, but it is surrounded by thin spindly Poplar trees and I named it Matchstick Park as a kid.

Courtney is going overseas for her brother's wedding so we met up extra early in the morning armed with blankets, cameras, a little camp stove and fake bacon. Mmmm :)

Exciting news for all you Vegos out there who crave marshmallows like I do - Mum found gelatin free marshmallow fluff stuff at The Reject Shop! It's not Vegan, because it still has egg whites, but it is gelatin free and full of gums and fake flavours haha. It's so yummy! And it comes in regular flavour and smokey campfire flavour! I have stocked up on it, I am now the proud owner of 5 tubs of each - well, 4 and a half :)

[I'm Vegetarian +, but not Vegan because I believe in self sufficiency and ethical practices. I don't drink milk. I only eat the eggs from my chickens at home (bar in a few products every now and then like this) that have a brilliant life and have been saved and taught to live free range and organically in our big backyard. I am also a big pro bee supporter, namely local farmers, and urge people to find out more about the horrible disease and plague that is culling bees worldwide. Save the bees!!!]

It was such a beautiful day. I'm trying to save some of these photos to post tomorrow, but it's hard!

Ok! More photos tomorrow. Just two more!

Go out and have a picnic! Enjoy Winter!


Monday, June 25, 2012

Winter Home.

I'm home! Argh it feels so good. I am missing winter terribly. And birds. And grass. And trees. And the winter sunsets.

Isn't that brilliant? And then it slowly fades in to night...

And on that note, time to get tucked up in bed with some warm cats and an electric blanket :)


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Welcome to our flatt.

Welcome to my flat!

My flatmate Lachlan and I changed our lounge room around yesterday! It was super fun and we have it set out awesomely now! For the past 4 months it's been set out pretty much the same as where the moving men put the furniture, except we pushed it out to the walls. But now after our re arrange, it's like 4 lounge rooms in 1 !

Aaand, with the new addition of my spunky new lens, I thought it'd be the perfect excuse to post some photos.

Out kitchen is pretty much written off for both health and safety reasons lol, so it's been really difficult trying to prepare and store our food and plates and everything we *don't* want gross or tainted. By moving my big hutch / sideboard in to a spot where we can see it and access it more, we have made a brand new space to store all our cups and cutlery and electrical things like our microwave and toaster, as well as creating a little tea and coffee nook on the end!


The furniture in our flat is pretty awesome. It's almost all mine, bar a few things that Lachlan bought after we moved in. Our lounge was free on the side of the road lol, and it's pretty sick. All of the springs are completely destroyed in it so when you sit down it's a little hard to get up, but it's perfect for a beer and to lay back watching Archer or playing Xbox, or enjoying some vinyl on my extensive hi-fi and speaker system.


There's Lachlan! We moved the dining table to be right near the hallway door, which means it's right near the kitchen, which means that we can easily bring food in and out to prepare and avoid the stink of the kitchen sink and cupboards [toilet mixed with mould, anyone?]. We actually started a blog called 'Flattmates', but we haven't had the time to post in it in forever. We've been taking more dumb photos and videos whilst drinking though, so maybe soon we'll have the time to post.

So I tag teamed a film lens on to my new lens, and the results are uber dreamy. There is this whole halo effect and the light seems to bounce twice. It's pretty great.

Well, that was a small slither of our lounge room and a smaller one of our flat, but I hope you liked it!

I've taken some shots of the garden I've got made out of buckets and pots on the back landing, I'll post that soon.

Do you like to re arrange your house? Have you got any great furniture finds? Almost all of mine have been under $15 a piece from op shops. What's your best op shop find?


Monday, June 18, 2012

Adventure Time

On Friday, my friend Aimee Catt [she has a new blog! Click her name for the link] and I went for a photo adventure!

We spent most of the morning trying to figure out where the heck to go, taking some shots of old buildings along the way [see tomorrow's post]. After much ambling about and feeling disapointed in our lack of direction, and with cups of coffee in our bellies, we realised that we didn't finish the first photo adventure we had weeks ago! The waterfalls we had tried to find had taken us till the sun went down, and even then when we found them we didn't have a chance to go and look at them.

So, we jumped in my little blue car and sped off with the back seat lined with cameras towards Slaughter Falls!

Now, I love mushrooms. No - I LOVE Mushrooms. I carry an identification book around with me. Yep. So you can imagine how excited I was when we stumbled across the best patch of mushrooms on our way to the falls! I was really surprised because I thought it would have already been too cold for mushrooms, but I guess I'm used to a much colder climate like Dorrigo and Bellingen where as Brisbane is 4 hours closer to the equator lol.

We spent a good hour on our bellies, on our sides, crouching, in the mud, swapping lenses, swapping cameras, pretty much doing anything and everything to take shots of these guys. I had my new lens to play with, so I hope you like the results! Film shots to come when I finish the roll :)


I followed a slight trail in the side of the dry riverbank and stumbled upon a whole other lot hiding in rocks and empty pools !


There was this weird tunnel / pipe on the way, it was very dark and very eerie. There were child sized hand prints on the side, which Aimee pointed out as a creepy looking old dude was walking slowly past us lol.

After all of that, we finally ended up at the falls - which were closed for safety reasons - but of course we went anyway. Luckily we had so much fun with the mushrooms though because the falls were non existent lol. We thought there would have been enough rain lately for them to be active but no luck. Oh well!

PS, this is [what I think] is my best shot of the day, and I blasted well took it on my mobile phone. That'd be right lol. Good thing I just bought that expensive lens for my dslr haha.


Friday, June 15, 2012


Firstly, I GOT MY NEW LENS !!!1! Sooo excited, I can't wait to try it out over and over again!

Last night I met up with my friend Aimee Catt aka Aimee Catt Photography [blog coming soon]. We dined on some delicious Jagermeister and then headed out to le city to listen to some tunes at Brew. I was rugged up in my big jacket and had fun meeting a guy called Dave who is also a fellow photography lover. With three photographers sitting at the one table we made a joke about us now being in a camera club. We had a good laugh, but in reality that'd be pretty fun.

Anyway, enough chatting - here's my first [ever with a dslr] play with some shots of our night, taken with my brand spanking new lens !! It was very gloomy and dark so the shots are pretty darn grainy, but you know what so was the venue.

I'm also playing around with my watermarks. Take a look at the two different ways I've watermarked the grouped images. Preference?


Thursday, June 14, 2012

GTM - Film

Filmy goodness from GTM 2012 Maitland. Check it.

