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Monday, February 28, 2011

Away ! Again !

So this weekend + Friday I headed to Brisbane for SOUNDWAVE. Well, I headed there to go out and have a rolickingly good time *with* my friends who were going to soundwave. I have a heap of bands i want to catch this year, so unfort the line up for Soundwave this year just didn't catch me enough for me to pay $160.


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Eep !

So today whilst talking to my local lab I put a down payment on... A Yashica 635 !!!


That's all I can say.

I'm getting it for a great price. I said thanks for the offer [it's from the owner of the lab's collection, which is vast enough to have me in awe every time I go in to the shop (although i don't let him know that lol) but i couldn't afford it even at the lower price. Went and had some lunch, went back to pick up my developed colour negs and *stupidly* asked to look at it and hold it. There was no going back after that haha !

Can't wait to get it home :)


The film is baaaack

So i walked around town trying to find inspiration to use up my first test roll of respooled 35mm in the new Brownie, finally finished it aaand - SUCCESS !

The only FAIL is my scanner. I really wanted to see the sprocket holes so opted for scanning in my negs at home, which i don't usually do because the lab I use obviously has a much better scanner and much better colours. But ANYWAY, photos :)


What it looks like on the negs.

Haha a friend Jess mid talking at the pub for lunch the other day :)

The main reason I was so stoked the photos turned out so well was that when I respooled, i opted to go without backing paper. Even though I put black tape over the back window, I still thought that the film might be too loose and there might be big lights streaks over unexposed film. But hazzah !

Now to respool again !


Don't you love it when...

You buy something that looks cool and then find the *real* versions of it and how you paid a third of the price ?! I know that there is some very different brands of this style of shoe, but perusing on Urban Outfitters made me stumble upon these babies that look the same as my new shoes [which are amazing btw] but are infact -

"Jeffrey Campbell Suede Lace Up Wedge"   -   $168

Yep, i scored.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Numero Duo !

Camera number two !

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaayy !!1!

Say hello to my little friend, Centia 100x !

*i did that in the voice too btw*

Super stylin' looks !  Plastic Fantastic :D

Best part - a roll of unopened 126 film !!!! AMAZINGLY AWESOME. I can't wait to go somewhere edgy and use it. And then, attempt to respool it and use the camera again !

I've respooled some 35mm onto my 127 reels last night and chucked it in my Brownie, i've left the backing off especialy in the hope of some wonderful light leaks. Fingers crossed !


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Big Shout Out !

I usually don't share my awesome secret camera sources with *everybody*, but i'm starting to make some exceptions hehe :)


Etsy Store: www.etsy.com/people/CraftBangBoom
Blog: www.craftbangboom.com/

I've been watching their store for a while, and when I saw the Brownie TLR and Centia + film [see photos tomorrow !] I knew I had to have them ! The sale was so smooth, and the postage was so quick ! The cameras were packaged super dooper well, so well that I really wanted to take a photo of just how amazingly they were packaged. I think they would have survived being dropped out of the boat / airoplane over here ! Unfortunately, I was too impatient with unwrapping them !

Their blog is awesome as well, i've picked up so many tips and inspiration to get off my a*se and develop and print at home more !

You've got to go have a scroll through and read :)

Even better, check out their Etsy store for some awesome cameras and camera related things !




My new cameras arrived ! So quickly ! Things from America to Australia usually take between 2 - 4+ weeks, and i thought since i really wanted these to arrive they'd have to take a ridiculous amount of time to get here - but i was wrong ! Yay !!!

Here's camera number one - i'm spam posting photos of it so will save the other camera for tomorrow :)

Say hello to my new Kodak Brownie TLR ! It takes 127 film, which I can still get, but i'm planning to respool some 35mm tonight and put it through it to get some awesome sprockets going on :) Plus, it's cheaper to get wrong haha.

Isn't is lovely?

Is it wrong that I smelt it? It smells so good and old :)

The viewfinder is nice and clean with just a few dust spots, which is great for me as i want it to shoot film, not TTV. I'm not a fan of TTV, i just think film is such a beautiful thing, and that you may as well put a photoshop mask over an digital image if you just want the dusty border. I dunno I just love the real thing too much :)

It has the original box and instruction manual !

So cool ! I'm so so happy !

Just a quick shot of my lunch haha to show you the viewfinder :)

If my respooling goes to plan i'll post some shots of it :)

Next camera tomorrow !

Thursday, February 17, 2011


New skirt. New shoes. New belt.

Mushrooms after the rain.


Light in the dark room.



Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

The King's Speech

 I went to the movies the other night and saw The King's Speech - i very much enjoyed it :) Here's a few shots from it. If you haven't seen it, make sure you do. And remember that it's a true story. Well, based on it as much as possible anyway.

Geoffrey Rush. What a brilliant man. And Australian.


Collin Firth. I enjoyed him in this role, and that he managed to change his voice so much for it.

Helena Bonham Carter. I mean, she always has an aire about her.



Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mushy mushy mushrooms !

Today was mushroom crazy !

First I visited a grocery store i haven't in ages, and found these mushroom biscuits !

The box was super cute, but it got even better when I saw the inside wrapping.

Unfortunately, it was a long drive home, and the days have been ridiculously hot, so when i opened the packet it looked like this -

A big pile of mushroom mess. Never mind. I stuck it in the fridge and took a bite out of the solid mass every now and then. They were still super awesome though :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hmmm, what's on the stereo this time around? Let's start with -

1. Joan Jett and the Black Hearts

I found this edited version of I Hate Myself For Loving You, and it looks and sounds awesome.

2. A Day To Remember

I've seen them live twice. The first time was at Soundwave, where they had the biggest crowd bar none - the metal tent that they played in was jam packed to the point of face-on-face action even just standing around. Amazing. I got picked up in the swarm when they started the first song and was dragged from one side of the tent to the other - then back again. I have a video on my phone that shows me trying to keep the stage in the frame while i'm being pulled along haha.

3. Cover of Love is a Battlefield - Amity Affliction

I've seen these guys too. They played in this random hall in a fake suburb to about 25 people. The other band that was with them was called The Burning Empires. Yes that's right - Andy Hurley of Fall Out Boy, who is the drummer of both TBE and FOB, played to 25 people in a random hall. Funny as. Anywho, back to the song and Amity. This is a great cover, so i thought i'd share. The quality of the sound is a bit shite and it would help if you had a subwoofer, but enjoy anyway lol.

What music's been on your top list for this week?


New Clothes

Went shopping again today and picked up some more new things :)

Some new bows !

New AWESOME shoes. I don't *need* them, but i had to have them !!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

So excited !

I just bought two awesome cameras from Etsy ! I can't wait till they get here, though I better be patient because it usually takes a min 2 weeks to get larger packages from the US to Aus. It'll be worth it though :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Best app !

So i opened the Sportsgirl home page to get the link for my last post, and found THIS:

It's AWESOME ! It's so simple and you can download as many as you want. Check it out here.

I had some fun :)

Had a go? Comment me the link so I can check it out !


Style update

So i posted before about some koolbanana clothes that I liked, and have been shopping for them at my local shopping centre, the next size up shopping centre an hour away, and then one ten times bigger in Newcastle. So far I have 2 new outfits and a small handful of new accessories.

New Sportsgirl catalogue. How good is the cover?!

I looked in the photography section of our local library and found a new book. It's called The Sartorialist, and is a publication from the huge blog of the same name, which you can find here.

New hair bows, as inspired by Emily from series 3 and 4 of Skins. I love everything she wears.

New glasses case - more florals.

It's super big to fit oversized sunglasses, but it's perfect for my glasses which are just too big to fit a regualr slim case.

New necklace that's ALREADY broken. Very much bummed. Half of the left antler broke off, so i'll have to glue it back or something.

New earrings from Diva - cute as cameras ! I got a ring a little while ago with the black and silver camera on it, but was stoked when I found the matching earrings, and THEN found the gold ones !!!

My very local op shop just a block away has the best stuff, and a lot of mine too haha, but I walked up the other day and bought two little dishes for my rings and things for my dressing table. One is cute and a little deco and glass, and the other is gold edged with a pink flower in the middle - is it a peonie?

Maybe - just maybe i'll do an outfit post of my 2 new looks and hair ideas.
